261. Acknowledgements. Introduction -- Part 1. Bringing the female subject into view -- 1. The trouble with patriarchy / Sheila Rowbotham, Sally Alexander and Barbara Taylor -- 2. Feminism and history / Judith M. Bennett -- 3. Golden age to separate spheres? a review of the categories and chronology of English womens' history / Amanda Vickery -- 4. Politics and culture in womens' history : a symposium / Ellen Dubois, Mari Jo Buhle, Temma Kaplan, Gerda Lerner, and Carroll Smith-Rosenberg -- 5. Womens' history and gender history : aspects of an international debate / Gisela Bock -- 6. History and the challenge of gender history / Penelope J. Corfield, June Purvis, and Amanda Weatherill -- Part 2. Deconstructing the female subject : feminist history and the linguistic turn.-- 7. Gender: a useful category of historical analysis / Joan W. Scott -- 8. Does sex have a history? / Denise Riley -- 9. Gender history/womens history : is feminist scholarship losing its critical edge? / Sonya Rose, Kathleen Canning, Anna Clark and Mariana Valverde -- 10. Gender as a postmodern category of paralysis / Joan Hoff, Susan Kingsley Kent and Caroline Ramazanoglu -- 11. Postmodern blackness bell hooks -- 12. Contingent foundations: feminism and the question of "postmodernism" / Judith Butler -- Part three.-- Searching for the subject : lesbian history -- 13. Who hid lesbian history? / Lillian Faderman -- 14. Does it matter if they did it? / Sheila Jeffreys -- 15. Lesbian history : all theory and no facts or all facts and no theory? / Martha Vicinus -- 16. Queer : theorizing politics and history / Donna Penn -- 17. "Lesbian-like" and the social history of lesbianisms / Judith M. Bennett -- 18. Toward a global history of same-sex sexuality / Leila J. Rupp -- Part 4 -- Centres of difference : decolonising subjects : rethinking boundaries -- 19. Gender & race : the ampersand problem in feminist thought / Elizabeth V. Spelman -- 20.
المؤلف: Sue Morgan [editor].
المکتبة: كتابخانه مجلس شوراي اسلامى (طهران)

262. After the war :
المؤلف: James Dobbins [and others].
المکتبة: کتابخانه مطالعات اسلامی به زبان های اروپایی (قم)
موضوع: Democratization, Case studies.,Intervention (International law), Case studies.,Nation-building, Case studies.,Democratization.,Diplomatic relations.,HISTORY.,Intervention (International law),Military policy.,Nation-building.,POLITICAL SCIENCE-- Comparative Politics.,United States, Foreign relations, 1945-1989, Case studies.,United States, Foreign relations, 1989-Case studies.,United States, Military policy, Case studies.,United States., 0, 0, 0, 7
رده :

267. BL
پدیدآورنده : \ Edited by Kevin Archer..[et al]
موضوع :
۴ نسخه از این کتاب در ۱ کتابخانه موجود است.
274. BL
المؤلف: Alan Fogel, Barbara J. King and Stuart G. Shanker.
المکتبة: كتابخانه مجلس شوراي اسلامى (طهران)

275. BL51
پدیدآورنده : [by] Norbert O. Schedler.
موضوع :
۲ نسخه از این کتاب در ۱ کتابخانه موجود است.
276. BL
پدیدآورنده : Khi V. Thai, Dianne Rahm, Jerrell D. Coggburn [editors].
موضوع :
۲ نسخه از این کتاب در ۱ کتابخانه موجود است.
277. BL
پدیدآورنده : Ellen D. Reeder, editor ; with essays by Esther Jacobson ... [et al.].
موضوع :
۲ نسخه از این کتاب در ۱ کتابخانه موجود است.
279. BL,Archives and archivists : key collaborators in the digital lbirary / William E. Landis, Robin L. Chandler -- Committing to memory : a project to publish and preserve California local history digital resources / Adrian L. Turner -- Technologically enhanced archival collections : using the buddy system / Dayna Holz -- California cultures : implementing a model for virtual collections / Genie Guerard, Robin L. Chandler -- The importance of user-centered design : exploring findings and methods / Rosalie Lack -- How and why of user studies : RLG's RedLightGreen as a case study / Merrilee Proffitt -- From horse-drawn wagon to hot rod : the University of California's digital image service experience / Maureen A. Burns -- Archiving web sites for preservation and access : MODS, METS and MINERVA / Rebecca Guenther, Leslie Myrick -- Video preservation and digital reformatting : pain and possibility / Jerome McDonough, Mona Jimenez -- Digital archiving and preservation : technologies and processes for a trusted repository / Ronald Jantz, Michael Giarlo -- The complexities of digital resources : collection boundaries and management responsibilities / Joan
المؤلف: Philip Mattar, editor in chief. ,William E. Landis, Robin L. Chandler, editors.
المکتبة: كتابخانه مجلس شوراي اسلامى (طهران)